Friday 18 January 2013

Celebrity Weight Loss/Gain For Movies

I thought this was interesting. Some of these are insane. 

I think I would be able to lose weight or putting on muscle for a role and would be okay with it, like in the case of Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, or Hilary Swank, because I feel I would be improving myself or would be able to go to a revert to a less extreme state again with less work.

However purposely putting on tons of weight knowing I was going to have to take it off again would kill me. Renee Zellweger is the one that really gets me because she gained weight twice when she obviously is big on being thin and toned. And Jared Leto just for health reasons.

Christian Bale is intense for changing his weight so many times for various roles.

1 comment:

  1. Weight loss is very important for all the celebrities who are working in movies. I would like to tell that I have recently came across a site called celebrities weight loss who is providing the service of weight loss products for celebrities.
