Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Busy Busy Busy

I've been crazy busy lately and neglecting posting so I feel this is long overdue. Despite that I still come and read new posts every morning (well actually like every time I'm on the computer).

Things that have happened recently: midterm, grandfather passed away, midterm, friend having a break down which included suicidal ideation and self-mutilation, more midterms, friend drama, family time, even more midterms, large lab reports, and once again, midterms. And still more midterms and lab reports to come. 

I use the term "midterm" despite it no longer being the middle of the term anymore but that's what they are according to my profs. I personally think its strange to call something a "midterm" when finals start mid April but I suppose that's just semantics. 

I'm applying to work in one of the labs under my favorite prof this summer so I need to get on that and get my  CV touched up. I also need to get a summer job that actually pays. I have less than a month to get everything in order for the next couple months.

Despite being busy and having some less than pleasant things happen, I'm doing alright these days. I've been focusing more on maintenance rather than loss in the past little while. I would love to have lost weight but with everything that was going on restricting turned out to be a fairly difficult task, especially with having been at home for the break. 

How things look these day for me. 
I have a lot to do.

These days I'm hoping to get back into things . I usually have a fruit in the morning, some light soup for lunch and chicken and veggies for dinner, and coffee whenever I want. I'll modify it from there but that's the basic idea. I can't go to the gym right now because I need to get my student card replaced but if it warms up I'd like to do jogging outside. 

1 comment:

  1. Dont be too hard on yourself, your looking great! xx
